
Castle Trips
Castle panorama: Mansion (on the left), internal precastle (middle) and external precastle (on the right)
The castle Trips is a moated castle in the worm valley in the northeast outskirts of cool churches in North Rhine-Westphalia, however, for better descriptions of architectural elements, consult essay experts. The arrangement is valid as the most important water arrangement of the western borderland [1] and is often called also castle trips, because particularly her core castle – the today’s mansion – in spite of rebuildings has preserved in the 18th century still his well-fortified character. It is with it a clear example of a castle medieval in the core which was changed about the centuries according to varying claims and tastes to a palatial country estate.
Since the 14th century headquarters of the family mountain (h) e from trips, the arrangement came in the first half of the 18th century to the barons of Eynatten who allowed to reshape the trutzige arrangement by rebuildings and enlargements in the style of the baroque.
Since the 18th of August, 1982 [2] the castle arrangement stands under conservation of monuments and historic buildings. At the beginning of the 21st century her both preguarantors were altered and extended and serve since that time as an old people’s home and nursing home as well as senior citizen’s flats. Therefore, castle Trips is not open to the public as a rule.
Table of contents [concealment]
1 description
1.1 Architecture
1.1.1 Mansion
1.1.2 Preguarantors
1.1.3 Garden and park
1.2 Interiors of the mansion
2 histories
2.1 Inhabitant and owner
2.2 Construction history
3 today’s uses
4 literatures
5 web links
6 single proofs
Description [treatment]


Plan of the castle arrangement of 1900
The castle arrangement exists of two precastles, a mansion and a big garden which are – surrounded by a long-pulled, rectangular Gräfte – on four islands. The whole construction continuance comes from from the 15th to the 19th century and is surrounded by long chestnut avenues.
Architecture [treatment]
Mansion [treatment]
The mansion of southwest
Of the small Binnenhof of the 4 flight leagues of mansion from brick can be entered by a wooden entrance in the western facade to which from the internal precastle coming a massive stone bridge leads. The building arose from the former Late-Gothic castle house and owns a nearly square plan. According to Georg Dehio it belongs to the „most interesting medieval castle houses on the Lower Rhine“. [3] different as most, similarly looking moated castles found his foundations not on a pile grating, but stand on older wall leftovers. [4] to his oldest construction continuance belong the north wing from the 15th century – the former palace – [5] and rechtwinkelig in it adjacent only short time later established east wings whose different establishment time is recognizable by a wall seam. [6] all building tracts of the mansion stand on a high foundation which carries two being higher residential floors. All basements own small light nicks in Hausteinfassung. In the external Längsseite

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